Conférence avec Patrick ArtusConférence avec Patrick ArtusMon, Mar 24, 18:00CRCC Lyon-Riom • LyonFreeLyon Place Financière416 followersSave Conférence avec Patrick Artus to your collection.Share Conférence avec Patrick Artus with your friends.
Afterwork Digital Analytics & Data - LyonAfterwork Digital Analytics & Data - LyonThu, Mar 20, 19:00Kaffee Berlin rive gauche • LyonFreeAADF (Association des Analystes Digitaux Francophones)188 followersSave Afterwork Digital Analytics & Data - Lyon to your collection.Share Afterwork Digital Analytics & Data - Lyon with your friends.
Finale de l'éloquence du bégaiement - LyonFinale de l'éloquence du bégaiement - LyonSat, Mar 15, 14:00Palais de la mutualité - Salle Edouard Herriot • LyonFreeEloquence de la Différence240 followersSave Finale de l'éloquence du bégaiement - Lyon to your collection.Share Finale de l'éloquence du bégaiement - Lyon with your friends.
Frontiers Insights Platform: uno strumento interdisciplinare per bibliotechFrontiers Insights Platform: uno strumento interdisciplinare per bibliotechThu, Mar 13, 09:30Sala 4 • MilanoFreeAssociazione Biblioteche oggi453 followersSave Frontiers Insights Platform: uno strumento interdisciplinare per bibliotech to your collection.Share Frontiers Insights Platform: uno strumento interdisciplinare per bibliotech with your friends.
Conférence avec Patrick ArtusConférence avec Patrick ArtusMon, Mar 24, 18:00CRCC Lyon-Riom • LyonFreeLyon Place Financière416 followersSave Conférence avec Patrick Artus to your collection.Share Conférence avec Patrick Artus with your friends.
Afterwork Digital Analytics & Data - LyonAfterwork Digital Analytics & Data - LyonThu, Mar 20, 19:00Kaffee Berlin rive gauche • LyonFreeAADF (Association des Analystes Digitaux Francophones)188 followersSave Afterwork Digital Analytics & Data - Lyon to your collection.Share Afterwork Digital Analytics & Data - Lyon with your friends.
Finale de l'éloquence du bégaiement - LyonFinale de l'éloquence du bégaiement - LyonSat, Mar 15, 14:00Palais de la mutualité - Salle Edouard Herriot • LyonFreeEloquence de la Différence240 followersSave Finale de l'éloquence du bégaiement - Lyon to your collection.Share Finale de l'éloquence du bégaiement - Lyon with your friends.
Frontiers Insights Platform: uno strumento interdisciplinare per bibliotechFrontiers Insights Platform: uno strumento interdisciplinare per bibliotechThu, Mar 13, 09:30Sala 4 • MilanoFreeAssociazione Biblioteche oggi453 followersSave Frontiers Insights Platform: uno strumento interdisciplinare per bibliotech to your collection.Share Frontiers Insights Platform: uno strumento interdisciplinare per bibliotech with your friends.
English Comedy Lyon - Thomas Henry: A Brit AbroadEnglish Comedy Lyon - Thomas Henry: A Brit AbroadThu, Mar 20, 21:00Le Speaker • LyonStarts at €6.52Speaker Bar & Comedy Club42 followersSave English Comedy Lyon - Thomas Henry: A Brit Abroad to your collection.Share English Comedy Lyon - Thomas Henry: A Brit Abroad with your friends.
Spectacle d'impro par Impro FusionSpectacle d'impro par Impro FusionMon, Mar 3, 20:30Le Repaire de la Comédie • LyonFreeImpro Fusion18 followersSave Spectacle d'impro par Impro Fusion to your collection.Share Spectacle d'impro par Impro Fusion with your friends.
ENGLISH STAND UP COMEDY IN LYON -----Tom Houghton: "DEEP"ENGLISH STAND UP COMEDY IN LYON -----Tom Houghton: "DEEP"Tue, Apr 22, 20:00Puzzle Cafe • LyonStarts at €10.25Thomas Henry93 followersSave ENGLISH STAND UP COMEDY IN LYON -----Tom Houghton: "DEEP" to your collection.Share ENGLISH STAND UP COMEDY IN LYON -----Tom Houghton: "DEEP" with your friends.
Ghosts of Lyon: Haunted City Scavenger HuntGhosts of Lyon: Haunted City Scavenger HuntToday at 20:00 + 56 more eventsPlace Saint-Jean • LyonStarts at €7.49Questo - Outdoor Exploration Games & Tours11.2k followersSave Ghosts of Lyon: Haunted City Scavenger Hunt to your collection.Share Ghosts of Lyon: Haunted City Scavenger Hunt with your friends.
Conférence avec Patrick ArtusConférence avec Patrick ArtusMon, Mar 24, 18:00CRCC Lyon-Riom • LyonFreeLyon Place Financière416 followersSave Conférence avec Patrick Artus to your collection.Share Conférence avec Patrick Artus with your friends.
Frontiers Insights Platform: uno strumento interdisciplinare per bibliotechFrontiers Insights Platform: uno strumento interdisciplinare per bibliotechThu, Mar 13, 09:30Sala 4 • MilanoFreeAssociazione Biblioteche oggi453 followersSave Frontiers Insights Platform: uno strumento interdisciplinare per bibliotech to your collection.Share Frontiers Insights Platform: uno strumento interdisciplinare per bibliotech with your friends.
Business Source per la didattica e la ricerca: Case study dall'Università dBusiness Source per la didattica e la ricerca: Case study dall'Università dWed, Mar 12, 17:00Sala 4 • MilanoFreeAssociazione Biblioteche oggi453 followersSave Business Source per la didattica e la ricerca: Case study dall'Università d to your collection.Share Business Source per la didattica e la ricerca: Case study dall'Università d with your friends.
Analizzare i futuri di biblioteche e bibliotecariAnalizzare i futuri di biblioteche e bibliotecariThu, Mar 13, 15:00Sala 4 • MilanoFreeAssociazione Biblioteche oggi453 followersSave Analizzare i futuri di biblioteche e bibliotecari to your collection.Share Analizzare i futuri di biblioteche e bibliotecari with your friends.
Buddy the 2nd 2025Buddy the 2nd 2025Tue, Mar 4, 19:00Via Barcatta • LyonStarts at €33.93Save Buddy the 2nd 2025 to your collection.Share Buddy the 2nd 2025 with your friends.
Journée portes ouvertes des administrationsJournée portes ouvertes des administrationsTue, Mar 18, 09:0033 Rue Moncey • LyonFreeLa PFRH - Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes65 followersSave Journée portes ouvertes des administrations to your collection.Share Journée portes ouvertes des administrations with your friends.
LYVE MarketLYVE MarketWed, Mar 26, 14:00In-Sted • LyonFreeSave LYVE Market to your collection.Share LYVE Market with your friends.
English Comedy Lyon - Thomas Henry: A Brit AbroadEnglish Comedy Lyon - Thomas Henry: A Brit AbroadThu, Mar 20, 21:00Le Speaker • LyonStarts at €6.52Speaker Bar & Comedy Club42 followersSave English Comedy Lyon - Thomas Henry: A Brit Abroad to your collection.Share English Comedy Lyon - Thomas Henry: A Brit Abroad with your friends.