Intro to comics events in Merthyr Tydfil, United Kingdom
Pottery Taster Workshop 2 | Introduction to coiling make a bowl or jug
Thu, Apr 17, 6:30 PM
Saron Community Hall
Pottery Taster Workshop 2 | Introduction to coiling make a bowl or jug
Thu, Apr 17, 6:30 PM
Saron Community Hall
Introduction to Assertiveness Training (In person) (CAV NHS STAFF ONLY)
Wed, Jun 4, 1:00 PM
Woodland House
Introduction to Assertiveness Training (In person) (CAV NHS STAFF ONLY)
Wed, Jun 4, 1:00 PM
Woodland House
Intro Sunday - Intro to Dungeons and Dragons 5e plus Character Creation
Sun, Mar 30, 10:00 AM
Dented Bascinet HQ
Intro Sunday - Intro to Dungeons and Dragons 5e plus Character Creation
Sun, Mar 30, 10:00 AM
Dented Bascinet HQ