Sensory room events in Keynsham, United Kingdom
Ageing and Ageism: a cross-disciplinary perspective
Wed, May 7, 12:30 PM
Seminar Room, Radcliffe Humanities Building, Radcliffe Observatory Quarter
Ageing and Ageism: a cross-disciplinary perspective
Wed, May 7, 12:30 PM
Seminar Room, Radcliffe Humanities Building, Radcliffe Observatory Quarter
Book at Lunchtime: Adventures in Volcanoland
Wed, Apr 30, 12:30 PM
Seminar Room, Radcliffe Humanities Building, Radcliffe Observatory Quarter
Book at Lunchtime: Adventures in Volcanoland
Wed, Apr 30, 12:30 PM
Seminar Room, Radcliffe Humanities Building, Radcliffe Observatory Quarter
A Great Place to Grow Older: Age-Friendly Oxford Panel & Roundtables
Thu, Mar 20, 2:00 PM
Oxford Brookes University
A Great Place to Grow Older: Age-Friendly Oxford Panel & Roundtables
Thu, Mar 20, 2:00 PM
Oxford Brookes University
Alchemy and Magic: From superstition to therapeutic transformation
Saturday at 10:00 AM
Iron Mill College
Alchemy and Magic: From superstition to therapeutic transformation
Saturday at 10:00 AM
Iron Mill College
Magic and Meaning - Expanding awareness in the therapeutic encounter
Sat, May 3, 10:00 AM
Iron Mill College
Magic and Meaning - Expanding awareness in the therapeutic encounter
Sat, May 3, 10:00 AM
Iron Mill College
Myths and legends of the deep ocean with Dr Simon Boxall | Talk + Q&A
Today at 7:00 PM
Charnock Lecture Theatre, Waterfront Campus, National Oceanography Centre Southampton (NOCS)
Myths and legends of the deep ocean with Dr Simon Boxall | Talk + Q&A
Today at 7:00 PM
Charnock Lecture Theatre, Waterfront Campus, National Oceanography Centre Southampton (NOCS)
Five to Thrive New Baby Course (4 weeks from 01.07.25) Ringwood - WN
Tue, Jul 1, 1:00 PM
Ringwood Library
Five to Thrive New Baby Course (4 weeks from 01.07.25) Ringwood - WN
Tue, Jul 1, 1:00 PM
Ringwood Library
Making Room for me. Looking after ourselves whilst caring for others
Tuesday at 10:15 AM
Basingstoke Rugby Football Club
Making Room for me. Looking after ourselves whilst caring for others
Tuesday at 10:15 AM
Basingstoke Rugby Football Club