St johns church events in Ellesmere Port, United Kingdom
“Judge, Jury, Judgement… Justice?” a Kenilworth u3a Event
Thu, Jul 17, 2:30 PM
Kenilworth Methodist Church, Priory Road, Kenilworth, UK
“Judge, Jury, Judgement… Justice?” a Kenilworth u3a Event
Thu, Jul 17, 2:30 PM
Kenilworth Methodist Church, Priory Road, Kenilworth, UK
Heaven Touching Earth Worship Event
Sat, Mar 29, 4:00 PM
Rugby Christian Life Centre, Lawford Road, Rugby, UK
Heaven Touching Earth Worship Event
Sat, Mar 29, 4:00 PM
Rugby Christian Life Centre, Lawford Road, Rugby, UK
Remembering Rowntree: Why Joseph’s funeral was so remarkable
Today at 1:30 PM
Friargate Quaker Meeting House
Remembering Rowntree: Why Joseph’s funeral was so remarkable
Today at 1:30 PM
Friargate Quaker Meeting House
An Introduction to Recording Music (short course)
Thu, Feb 20, 6:00 PM
Stanley Evernden Studio, Martin Hall
An Introduction to Recording Music (short course)
Thu, Feb 20, 6:00 PM
Stanley Evernden Studio, Martin Hall
Brass Club at the Appleby Hub + free ABRSM Music Medal challenge!
Thursday at 4:00 PM + 4 more
The Appleby Hub
Brass Club at the Appleby Hub + free ABRSM Music Medal challenge!
Thursday at 4:00 PM + 4 more
The Appleby Hub
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