The seanti events in Waterford, Ireland
Desmond Guinness Scholarship lecture with Victoria McCarthy
Tue, Mar 11, 6:00 PM
Irish Georgian Society
Desmond Guinness Scholarship lecture with Victoria McCarthy
Tue, Mar 11, 6:00 PM
Irish Georgian Society
Dancing Well with Parkinson’s Friday Jan24-Mar28, 12.30-1.30pm |10 Wks
Fri, Jan 24, 12:30 PM
Dance Theatre of Ireland
Dancing Well with Parkinson’s Friday Jan24-Mar28, 12.30-1.30pm |10 Wks
Fri, Jan 24, 12:30 PM
Dance Theatre of Ireland
Contemporary Dance @DTI, Jan23-Mar27 | 6.45-8PM | 10 Wks
Thu, Jan 23, 6:45 PM
Dance Theatre of Ireland
Contemporary Dance @DTI, Jan23-Mar27 | 6.45-8PM | 10 Wks
Thu, Jan 23, 6:45 PM
Dance Theatre of Ireland
Valentine's Tantra Speed Date® - Dublin! (Find Your Valentine!) Meet Singles Speed Dating
Sat, Feb 8, 5:30 PM
Yoga Dublin - Ranelagh
Valentine's Tantra Speed Date® - Dublin! (Find Your Valentine!) Meet Singles Speed Dating
Sat, Feb 8, 5:30 PM
Yoga Dublin - Ranelagh
Digitisation of historic recordings of Irish Traditional Music.
Sat, Jan 25, 12:00 PM
Tallaght Library
Digitisation of historic recordings of Irish Traditional Music.
Sat, Jan 25, 12:00 PM
Tallaght Library